Sebastian has already pointed to the switch2osm site.

But a general remark: if it was uneconomical for google to provide such
services as their previous price level or for free, there is no magic
wand waving that will make it economical for the OSMF to do it for free,
or even for the commercial providers in OSMspace.

As a consequence I would try -not- to argue with costs when promoting OSM.


Am 25.07.2019 um 00:30 schrieb Graeme Fitzpatrick:
> OT to this particular problem, but still sort of on this subject ...
> One of the aircraft tracking sites I use 
> has mentioned in this
> last week that they have changed their background from Google Maps to
> OSM, as, due to much increased use of their site while Ex /Talisman
> Sabre/ is on, they had passed their allowed limit for use of Google
> Maps (28000 /  month) & it was now going to cost them $3000 / month !
> Is there any established "marketing / advertising" link to push OSM
> for similar sites / groups?
> & yes, they have attributed us correctly! :-)
> Thanks
> Graeme
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