On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 12:43, Jonathon Rossi <j...@jonorossi.com> wrote:

> I guess lawyers don't want to authorise and public servants don't want to
> sign anything that isn't written there, the reference material is all
> useful and explains everything but that isn't on the signing page.
> Maybe instead of this:
> > [Entity] waives Section 2(a)(5)(B) of the CC BY 4.0 license as to
> OpenStreetMap and its
> > users with the understanding that the Open Database License 1.0 requires
> open access
> > or parallel distribution of OpenStreetMap
> Something like this:
> [Entity] waives Section 2(a)(5)(B) of the CC BY 4.0 license which
> prohibits downstream restrictions preventing OpenStreetMap data under Open
> Database License 1.0 to be distributed as a combined distribution
> containing CC BY 4.0 licensed data. CC BY 4.0 licensed data remains as
> such.
> Could be improved more, but a start. Thoughts?

I usually send both the cover letting which explains the why and the waiver
form which is the action, and top it off with an email that also summarises
the issue.

That said, I'd recommend passing feedback to the licensing working group as
they would need to sign off to any changes to the actual waiver form.

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