I do not reside in Queensland but I visit parts of the state regularly and 
collect information which I can add to OSM.

In recent times a proliferation of unnamed roads has appeared on the map with 
edits usually titled "Missing Roads in Queensland" or similar. I have 
communicated with a couple of the people, providing specific instances of 
observed errors, but the problem appears to be continuing and spreading.

It appears to be people who have never visited Australia and who are part of an 
organised team. They are using satellite imagery and adding ways that are 
usually tagged as highway=unclassified. It is almost as if the team members 
have a quota of edits to be achieved and are not being careful in the quality 
of their edits.

Not all the additions are errors. I have noted about three added roads near 
Blackall Qld to which I have been able to add names. Some of ways are private 
roads which I have re-tagged as highway=service and access=private, if I am 
confident that is the case. The majority of the roads (perhaps as many as 70%) 
appear to me to be fences that have been mapped as roads. Most fences in rural 
areas have cleared spaces on either side of the fence and, to the unfamiliar 
eye looking at satellite imagery, they can appear to be dirt roads. Sometimes 
there may be a track alongside the fence but it usually barely navigable and 
strictly used only by the owner for fence maintenance - often even that would 
be difficult. In some instances, in the vicinity of areas I have surveyed, I 
have been confident in retagging the non-existent roads as fences but there 
seem to be many roads appearing in unpopulated areas of Queensland that I have 
not visited.

While the errors may have been made by armchair mappers acting in good faith, 
the accumulation of non-existent roads is a long term problem for the map. 
Further, some of these "roads" are being mapped in quite inhospitable terrain 
and could lead a naive driver to serious problems.   In my experience, if I 
don't have a name for it, it probably isn't a public road.  It is not until one 
visits an area and then looks again at satellite imagery that one can learn to 
interpret that imagery.

I am posting my concerns in this forum to raise awareness and in the hope that 
it may put pressure on these over-enthusiastic mappers to restrain from mapping 
non-existent roads.  

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