On 19/04/2020 23:41, Andrew Davidson wrote:
> I would suggest that you have a read through this:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import

The CWGC copyright notice appears to be compatible with a bulk import of
their cemetery data.

For the other data sources, I suggest it may not be case of bulk import.
 It would be useful to develop a process for people to verify them one
by one or cross-check them against other databases.

I'm personally willing to verify any Anzac monument that I can reach by
road, that basically covers much of Switzerland, north of Italy,
Austria, parts of France and south of Germany.  I'm also happy to take
my video gear and film some sites, as I've done already from time to time.

But to put that offer in perspective: there are over 120,000 records in
the Traces of War database.  I need a little bit of help to refine that
down to a list of maybe 5 - 10 priority sites I would visit on weekends
over the next year.  Any other ex-pat or backpacker who wants to
contribute will also need some sort of refined list to work from.



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