On 14/6/21 10:28 pm, Ewen Hill wrote:

Suburbs are a little different however I can't see the issue of adding the suburb/locality. It makes life so much simplerĀ for a lot of people with not a lot of significant issues. Where suburbs are split (like Fraser Rise) then there will be few properties involved as this is done before the creation of these new estates.

There is a basic OSM principle that mappers are our most valuable resource. This means that if there is more than one way to map the same information then we choose the option that reduces the work for the mapper.

The data consumer is expected to post-process OSM data. You can't get a list of addresses out of OSM without doing some sort of post-processing. As a minimum you are going to have to possess enough programming skill to write an Overpass QL query. This is the problem I have with our hypothetical user who, apparently, possesses enough technical skill to write Overpass QL but doesn't have enough skill to run a program to download what they need. I estimate that the total number of users in this category would be zero.

Maybe there is a user requirement to generate a list of addresses from OSM. I have been pondering why you would want to do that, but other than printing out a "gazetteer" I can't think of one. If someone could explain how they would use one then we could think about what the best way to provide this. There could be a need to replace OpenAddresses, as they now require you to be a donor to download in CSV format. Otherwise you have to download GeoJSON and post-process.

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