I want to confirm report from

"In my area (and throughout built-up parts of Australian cities in general)
it is not uncommon to encounter blocks of townhouses which share a
primary address number but have distinct sub-address numbers.

The complete address numbers of such houses are written in the format 
<sub>/<primary>, eg "1/50", "2/50", "3/50" for the first three houses 
sharing the primary address site "50 Example St"."

Is it accurate? Is addr:housenumber=1/50 the standard and preferred
solution in such cases?

(I am asking as I know nothing about Australia addressing)

(BTW, if for some reason you want to comment on something
that is Australia and StreetComplete-specific - I will be on this mailing list
for some time, but as usual problem are better reported at the issue tracker)
Talk-au mailing list

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