Note that the "C" part is for club in SLSC. The social part can be the
community around the volunteer life saving bit. e.g.

I agree that there are 2 parts though. The life saving part, and the
"clubhouse" that also has a bar & restaurant etc.

I would tag them as 2 nodes.

I think you could have the same issue for rowing clubs. There are a bunch
of people that do rowing, and have a boat shed, but there's also a
restaurant upstairs that you might want to visit even if you don't care for

 - Ben.

On Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 13:08, Graeme Fitzpatrick <>

> On Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 17:31, Warin <> wrote:
>> I have a similar difficulty with club=surf_life_saving,
>> emergency=lifesaver, lifesaver=base ... as that does not render. If put
>> on the building then the name of the club renders.. Having gone along the
>> coast of NSW and put them to nodes and entered a few more off the DCS Base
>> Map .. I am now going along and setting the details on the associated
>> building... sigh.
> Warin & I have discussed this topic recently on a changeset:
>, & are sort of in two
> minds about it, so it's probably a good idea to put it out to get
> everybody's thoughts.
> I've recently finished tidying up & adding details right along the GC
> beaches, including all the Surf Clubs.
> As most of you would know, Surf Clubs & SLSCs are, more or less, two
> separate things - the Surf Club is the social side of things, which houses
> the bar, restaurant & Gaming Room, is usually open to the public, seven
> days/week, from morning till late at night, & is usually upstairs in the
> building.
> The actual SLSC / lifesavers are downstairs in that building, where the
> First Aid room is located, are usually only present Sa-Su 8-18 between Sept
> - April. They will frequently have a different contact number /
> website/page to the Surf Club.
> I have been tagging them like so:
>, as a building named "xxx Surf
> Club", tagged as a club= surf_life_saving; together with a separate node
> for the SLSC:, named "xxx
> SLSC", tagged as emergency=lifeguard + lifeguard=base +
> leisure=sports_centre (which I know is certainly not great, but is the only
> way I can find to render the name as lifeguard doesn't render :-(),
> together with their operating hours & contact details.
> So, what do we all think is the best option for having, & showing, 2 lots
> of info for the same premises?
> Thanks
> Graeme
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Ben Kelley
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