Hello. Thanks for mail.
I respectfully disagree that we should use default/primary "name" tag in
English instead of Bangla. If i understand correctly, OSM policy/general
community guideline is that default/primary "name" tag should be in
whatever language is used locally (for Bangladesh it is Bangla). (
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multilingual_names ) It is common
practice and it is followed by most countries e.g Japan, China, Russia, all
arabic, cyrillic speaking countries etc countries.

We should use English because some software doesn't render Bangla correctly
isn't acceptable reason. It's may be true but By now the majority of
rendering systems/software can deal with unicode characters, supports
Bangla characters. Just because some software/site doesn't support Bangla
so we should use English, is like you have headache so cut the head like
solution. Like you said openstreetmap-carto was unable to render Bangla but
it was fixed now. Same thing can be done with others, if an app doesn't
support Bangla, we need to submit bug report, reach out the developer for
adding Bangla font. Thats will be correct solution. It is not true that in
order to fix Bangla rendering problem, developer needs to learn Bangla.
They will just need to specify/include a Bangla font. we should need to
take necessary step to fix rendering problem in the apps/site that don't
render Bangla correctly e.g. submiting bug report (for exemple, to fix HOT
rendering problem we need to ask developer to add a Bangla font here
https://github.com/hotosm/HDM-CartoCSS/tree/master/fonts . i can see they
already added arabic, tamil, thai, lao etc font) I will be happy to help
with this & others.

It is also not true that English names were deleted altogether, i can see
it just moved to "name:en" field (e.g "name = Road 1" became "name = সড়ক ১"
& "name:en = Road 1"). If any software/site doesn't want to show local
language but english, they easily fallback to name:en.

Per OSM policy/general community guideline, We should use default/primary
"name" tag in Bangla, any other name language in their code e.g name:en for
English, name:it for Italian etc. That's should be our general
guideline. Yes, If for some reason someone cannot/don't do this, thats
fine, no one going to yell / block them. But in general, our broad nameing
guideline should be same as OSM general guideline, use default/primary
"name" tag in Bangla.
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