Dear Mr Aftabuzzaman,

Thank you for participating in the discussion. We really appreciate it.

> I respectfully disagree that we should use default/primary "name" tag in
English instead of Bangla. If i understand correctly, OSM policy/general
community guideline is that default/primary "name" tag should be in
whatever language is used locally (for Bangladesh it is Bangla). ( ) It is common
practice and it is followed by most countries e.g Japan, China, Russia, all
arabic, cyrillic speaking countries etc countries.

Disagreement is part of discussion and always welcomed. You have said that
as per your understating the OSM policy/general community guideline says
`name` tag should be in local language and you refer to 2 OSM wiki links.
The first link is about `name` tag localization not about what should be
on a `name` tag. The first line of that section says, "By now the majority
of rendering systems can deal with Unicode characters, so you can use the
local script for the default name tag. There is no need to use the Latin
script.". If I understand it correctly it says we can use local script
assumed it works in most system but for us it is not working. The second
link is about one place having multiple name in multiple language. If you
check the Issue section (, it says in
the first point "if not disputed" `name` should have local name. I agree to
disagree. We have dispute in local name. Multilingual name is not same as
localization. For example, 'United States' has 'মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র' as
Bengali as Multilingual name but in the context of our country we call it
'America'. Please don't mix them up. You have also referenced that Japan,
China, Russia usages it but spiked about India which has similar font to
Bangladesh than any of those countries. India has a different page (
for it where the community after much discussion decided to keep English in
`name` tag. Emphasis on 'after much discussion'. Let's see if we have
anything of the same kind, shall we? We see that we do have a Bangladesh
section (
that says that `name` should be Bengali and `name:en= should be in English.
But if we see the version history (
for that page that this edit was made by you( on 19:55, 28 May 2019‎. The
first ever edit made by you on OSM was on 04 Jul 2018 17:53:57. Nobody in
the community knows about the page or the change. This looks very
convenient, isn't it? This is very heart-breaking to see that you edited
the wiki page without community consent to justify your work.

> We should use English because some software doesn't render Bangla
correctly isn't acceptable reason. It's may be true but By now the majority
of rendering systems/software can deal with unicode characters, supports
Bangla characters. Just because some software/site doesn't support Bangla
so we should use English, is like you have headache so cut the head like

Let's focus on the problem, shall we? The problem is putting Bengali in
`name` tag is causing problem and how we should solve it. For you, UX
problem caused by software that can't render Bengali is not an 'acceptable
reason' to replace Bengali names with `name:bn` tag even if it makes the
work of disaster response challenging, and we should ask the dev to fix
them. Fair enough. What we need to remember that this is an open source
ecosystem and people work as volunteer so it is tough to put a deadline on
a problem like this. So what should we do in the meantime? If it doesn't
work, shouldn't we use the Latin script instead of making a horrible user
experience and waiting for the devs to fix the problem?

I think, in your rush to reply you didn't read the email completely or
understand it. For example, forgot about the second point for adopting
English name in `name` tag which was the problem faced by humanitarian aid
agencies like UN, MSF, Red Crescent and WFP who were unable to the data for
Bangladesh. You said that "It is not true that in order to fix Bangla
rendering problem, developer needs to learn Bangla.". Unfortunately, I
didn't say that on my mail. What I said that if we keep default names to
Bengali, people from other country who wants to use the map of Bangladesh
in OSM needs to learn because how else they will use that map with Bengali

> It is also not true that English names were deleted altogether, i can see
it just moved to "name:en" field (e.g "name = Road 1" became "name = সড়ক ১"
& "name:en = Road 1"). If any software/site doesn't want to show local
language but english, they easily fallback to name:en.

At the past it was true. We see that some quick edits has been made to
recover this, like: changeset 76836045( We do
really appreciate it. But we have discovered 2 new problems on those edits.

- Changeset comments are in Bengali. For example, 'সংশোধন' meaning 'Fixed'.
This is not OK even for me who can read Bengali. For me what is fixed? And
for someone who can't read Bengali? Well, he is lost. Please remember that
data is not just for the people of Bangladesh but also for all over the
work. Please use English both in changeset comments and changeset

- This is not a problem in your edit but it still a problem caused by the
same notion that `name` tag should have Bengali value. The problem is
`name` tags are being translated using Google Translate from the previous
English value of the `name` tag. Which is bad. Really really Bad! For
example, Bus stop became 'বাস থামবে'. changeset 76681081( Photo Reference:

> Per OSM policy/general community guideline, We should use default/primary
"name" tag in Bangla, any other name language in their code e.g name:en for
English, name:it for Italian etc. That's should be our general guideline.
Yes, If for some reason someone cannot/don't do this, thats fine, no one
going to yell / block them. But in general, our broad nameing guideline
should be same as OSM general guideline, use default/primary "name" tag in

The OSM global policy is there to guide us which is not a decisive policy.
For each community, the members of the community discuses what should be
done keeping the guide as reference. What you wrote in this part is a
proposal which if you asked the community, we could have discussed to come
to can conclusion. But you already vandalized the data on your own make it
unusable for both user and aid agencies. So we are way past that.

Look this is not about you or edits made by you. Let's put all of this away
for now and see this issue as a whole as it has an effect on the whole
ecosystem then the tile images on the OSM site like data integrity,
usability and use case for end user. Where literally human lives are at
stake we should be a bit careful.

I would like other in the community to engage on this conversation and put
forward their opinion. Then we can decide on what to put on `name` tag.

Thank you!


Fazle Rabbi

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 6:32 AM Aftabuzzaman Ullah <> wrote:

> Hello. Thanks for mail.
> I respectfully disagree that we should use default/primary "name" tag in
> English instead of Bangla. If i understand correctly, OSM policy/general
> community guideline is that default/primary "name" tag should be in
> whatever language is used locally (for Bangladesh it is Bangla). (
> ) It is common
> practice and it is followed by most countries e.g Japan, China, Russia, all
> arabic, cyrillic speaking countries etc countries.
> We should use English because some software doesn't render Bangla
> correctly isn't acceptable reason. It's may be true but By now the majority
> of rendering systems/software can deal with unicode characters, supports
> Bangla characters. Just because some software/site doesn't support Bangla
> so we should use English, is like you have headache so cut the head like
> solution. Like you said openstreetmap-carto was unable to render Bangla but
> it was fixed now. Same thing can be done with others, if an app doesn't
> support Bangla, we need to submit bug report, reach out the developer for
> adding Bangla font. Thats will be correct solution. It is not true that in
> order to fix Bangla rendering problem, developer needs to learn Bangla.
> They will just need to specify/include a Bangla font. we should need to
> take necessary step to fix rendering problem in the apps/site that don't
> render Bangla correctly e.g. submiting bug report (for exemple, to fix HOT
> rendering problem we need to ask developer to add a Bangla font here
> . i can see they
> already added arabic, tamil, thai, lao etc font) I will be happy to help
> with this & others.
> It is also not true that English names were deleted altogether, i can see
> it just moved to "name:en" field (e.g "name = Road 1" became "name = সড়ক ১"
> & "name:en = Road 1"). If any software/site doesn't want to show local
> language but english, they easily fallback to name:en.
> Per OSM policy/general community guideline, We should use default/primary
> "name" tag in Bangla, any other name language in their code e.g name:en for
> English, name:it for Italian etc. That's should be our general
> guideline. Yes, If for some reason someone cannot/don't do this, thats
> fine, no one going to yell / block them. But in general, our broad nameing
> guideline should be same as OSM general guideline, use default/primary
> "name" tag in Bangla.
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