On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Kenny Moens <street...@functor.be> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> In the region where I live (Hulshout), some of the borders are recently
> mapped, but they don't follow the exact features which form the border. For
> example, in the area between Ramsel and Westmeerbeek the city border follows
> the "Steenkensbeek" which I recently mapped based on Bing data, if I look at
> the border itself it has much less points and more-or-less follows the
> stream, but not exactly as it should be.
> How is the best way to correct this?
> Splitting the border and adding the tags/relations of the border to the
> stream. Which would mean the line of the stream would both represent the
> border and the stream itself.

No, never do this. Boundaries need their own ways. Just like you
shouldn't add railway=tram to a highway tag because there are tram
rails. It's prone to give rendering problems.

> Glueing all points of the border towards the stream, so that they form a
> single line (but are effectively still two separate lines).

Either this, or just moving the boundary to the same location of the
stream without using the same nodes. There's an argument for both.


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