Andre Engels wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Renaud MICHEL <> 
> > On mardi 22 mars 2011 at 18:39, Jo wrote :
> >> cycleway=opposite (converted to the proper xml-format) and tag the way
> >> as modified.
> > 
> > I don't think that tag is appropriate.
> > It implies that there is a real cycleway on the road, but in Liege (and
> > many other places in wallonia) you simply have an exclusion to the
> > oneway for bicycles.
> No, cycleway=opposite means exactly that - a one way road that
> cyclists are allowed to ride in the opposite direction. See

The main problem with it is that it doesn't tell anything about mopeds. As you 
know many oneway streets also allow mopeds class A in the opposite direction.

My preference has always gone to


and I'm sure that the reasoning why I choose this and not oneway:bicycle=no 
can be found in a couple of places in different discussions in mailing lists 
and wiki, but I'm not gonna dig those up now. My unfinished traffic signs tool 
also makes use of these:


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