I agree totally with you. Keep it simple for new people and show them
Potlach2 for new people (we need them).

2011/8/20 Wouter Hamelinck <wouter.hameli...@gmail.com>

> > Do you know this person that presented to
> > 'Trage Wegen'? Is he/she on this list?
> That would be me.
> A few thing that you should imho take care of while introducing OSM to
> people that do not know it:
> * Ask yourself what your public wants (kind of data, mapping uncharted
> regions, only using the maps...) and stick to that. You can mention
> the possibilities of OSM but don't give any details of topics they
> don't care about. E.g. if those people care about mapping jungle roads
> you can mention that it is possible to add bus stops and create a
> public transport route planner, but that should be the last word about
> that. They simply won't care about the relations and everything.
> * Provide visual examples of the power of OSM. One of the best moments
> of my presentation was when I showed on a map on my website a track
> that I made in the Wicklow Mountains a few weeks prior to the
> presentation. I started with a Google Maps background where the track
> went through grey void. Then I switched to the OSM background that
> showed all the paths in the region. No more explanation needed.
> You could make a similar comparison for an African region where
> commercial maps are worthless but OSM shows a lot of roads (or even
> only paths, they are very important in those regions). Also the Haiti
> project could be of interest to them.
> I will send you the simple quick-and-dirty presentation that I made.
> You can use it as a starting point or inspiration.
> If your public is not very geeky and new to OSM, I think you should
> stick to the Potlach editor. More information will only confuse them.
> I think we made a mistake here in Haaltert by introducing them also to
> wouter
> --
> "Wie niet in zichzelf gelooft, komt nergens."
>                                        - Thor Heyerdahl
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