Ben Laenen wrote:

On Friday 11 November 2011 09:50:16 Gerard Vanderveken wrote:
Ben Laenen wrote:
This is an unsolved question... Some may use directions like N/E/S/W for
north/east/south/west. But then you also need to be able to attach the
node to the proper way (bridges and dual carriageways make this a
difficult problem).
I would rather use the left / right suffixes in stead of directions, as
they define the position always clear
(eventually  forward / backward, but it seems somewhat deprecated)

But this doesn't work for single nodes not connected to a way. Left/right/forward/backward become pretty meaningless on single nodes :-)

When the node is not part of the highway, its position left or right from the highway is enough to determine the apllicable direction of the way. But I would always tag nodes of the highway itself, for not having the confusion where a node belongs to. Apart from indication of the exact position, I don't see any good reasons to put signs outside the highway or to map them as sign in the first place. Their consequences are applicable to the highway segments an that's what and where it should be tagged.

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