For the current licence, I read the license file, and it allows you to use
the data for any purpose, but you're not allowed to spread the data, or
spread the results of what you used the data for.

So you can't import the data into OSM. You also can't compare the data with
OSM and publish the precise results. But you are allowed to compare the
data with OSM and use those results yourself for any purpose (like to get a
list with locations you should check on the ground).

If you are able to write a manual, or even a script you can use to compare
the data to OSM, you can spread that, so it gets accessible to more people.

Oh, and there is one exception for printed results. So if you do the
comparing, you can print the results and hand those to other mappers you
know. Of course, this isn't as handy as providing a GPX with all locations
that should be visited.


2012/6/14 Nicolas Pettiaux <>

> Dear All
> Urbis (
> is the official GIS data in Brussels, maintained by CIRB :
> Les produits Brussels UrbIS®© (Brussels Urban Information System)
> constituent un ensemble cohérent de bases de données cartographiques
> et alphanumériques propres au territoire de la Région de
> Bruxelles-Capitale.
> I wonder if the licence (here in Fr and Nl
> ) is compatible with OSM, whether for import of the Urbis data, event
> some of it, or just for comparison, to make sure OSM contains all the
> Urbis data.
> I think the last case is *not* discribed int the licence. What is your
> inderstanding ?
> Tomorrow (Friday June 15) I attend a meeting in
> Brussels related to "Colloque Les Villes à l'heure du numérique" that
> is especially related to OpenData too. The boss of Cirb (Hervé
> Feuillien) whom I know personnally will be there and speak. I would
> like to ask him some questions like :
> 1/ Qui s'occupe de la gestion des données URBIS ?
> 2/ Pensez-vous qu'il soit possible de les obtenir avec une licence
> compatible avec la licence de OpenStreetMap (OSM) pour les utiliser ?
> Soit les intégrer soit au minimum voir les différences pour que nous
> puissions travailler à améliorer OSM pour qu'il colle à Urbis ?
> Any other idea will be welcome.
> Bart Rosseau, expert e-stratégie de la Ville de Gand, will speak about
> Open Data à Gand.
> Perhaps could I ask similar questions for Gent provided you give me
> any useful info about Gent.
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas Pettiaux
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