2012/10/12 Ben Laenen <benlae...@gmail.com>

> Er, that's basically what the vzw/asbl would be: to support the community.
> The
> vzw/asbl won't ever *be* the community if that's what you're suggesting.
> And
> it will certainly not be some kind of governing power over the community.
> exact.

> Just like OSM and OSMF are actually two separate entities, with OSMF
> supporting OSM with infrastructure, fund-raising, organizing a few events
> etc.
> indeed.

In such a way, why do we really car that the association be one or two for
Belgium, where indeed, in order to get money, you would better, in general,
in the culture fields rather be regionnal ?

I think it is time to put the points and people + and - for 2 versus 1
associations. Then we'll summarize and count.

What do you think ?
Nicolas Pettiaux, dr. sc - gsm : +32 496 24 55 01
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