I am sorry for the late answer, the week-end was full of activities.

I would also prefer a "belgian" assocation than a "regional one".

- we are quite few, we need to do a lot of work: I think we should gather our energy and, maybe later, thinks about splitting if necessary. We are to few for a split now - (I agree with Dennys on this idea) - If we develop tools (servers, teaching of OSM, etc.), we may think that both tools will be needed in every part of Belgium. - it is still unclear about how to split: flemish/french ? What about brussels, bilingual... Walloon/Flanders/Brussels ? we need three associations... and three times the cost, etc.

What are we doing now ?

- a meeting "in real life" to discuss about the avantadges / disadvantages of splitting ?
- continue the discussion on the ML ?
- continue the discussion on the wiki ?


Le 12/10/12 15:08, Nicolas Pettiaux a écrit :
2012/10/12 Dennis Bollyn <den...@gyrbo.be <mailto:den...@gyrbo.be>>

    The problem for me is that the association is basically overhead.
    It costs money and effort to maintain it while not offering any
    intrinsic benefits.


    The only reason we are considering it is because of a (possible)
    donation from the government. Creating two separate associations
    would double the overhead.


    For now, I see no reason to create a Flemish counterpart. Since
    there would only exist a single association, it would be the de
    facto one to go to for all Belgian related situations.

we said from the beginning that it could be done when needed.

    In summary, I propose to create a single association (which is
    what would probably happen anyway). If this association is created
    in Brussels, on "neutral ground", it should be acceptable for both
    Walloon, Flemish and Brussels governments. If the need should
    every arise (a government refuses to work with an association that
    also works with other governments, disagreements, ...), we can
    always split the association afterwards.

make sense.



Nicolas Pettiaux, dr. sc - gsm : +32 496 24 55 01
Lepacte.be - « promouvoir les libertés numériques en Belgique » - hetpact.be <http://hetpact.be>

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