On Friday 14 June 2013 21:02:28 Daan Bellefroid wrote:
> I kind of get how to add a piece of way to the fietsknooppuntennetwerk.
> But I do not see how to add the knooppunt itself on the map?
> On the openfietsmap, you see the knooppunten with their numbers.
> But on the OSM, you don't see these.
> Is there documentation about this?

You'll have to keep in mind that OSM is a database, not a rendered map. We map 
bits of information by putting things into this database, and then others can 
use this data. This can be a rendered map, maybe even a printed one, it may be 
files you can use on your gps device, an art or scientific project...

You don't see every bit of information on every rendering, that's impossible. 
So every rendered map makes a selection on what it displays and how. The map 
you see on openstreetmap.org is a user of the database we make, and shows just 
a tiny selection of the data we have. Openfietskaart is another one which 
obviously selects some bicycle related information for its rendering.

So how to get the cycle routes on the map? You basically just go to a rendered 
map like opencyclemap ( 
http://www.opencyclemap.org/?zoom=10&lat=51.03034&lon=4.4074&layers=B000 ) or 
openfietskaart, to see this data. Or you can apply special rules in your 
editor to display this data for you (JOSM can do this, don't know about the 
support in other editors like Potlatch2)

Hope this helps

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