As far as I understood the main reasons where

* the domain name should belong to a group of people (an organization)
not an individual
* some organizations (e.g. Crib) are willing to donate money to an
organization, but not to individuals. This money could be used to pay
for the domain name, servers, ....


On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Ben Laenen <> wrote:
> On Friday 04 October 2013 19:12:40 Pierre Parmentier wrote:
>> I order to progress with the registration of OSM-BE as an asbl/vzw, I have:
> Again, I'm interested to see the reasons behind the decision to become a
> vzw/asbl. What are its short term and long term goals? Has it been decided
> where the organization will be seated (Brussels)?
> Ben
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