Exactly what I feared, that point in Muizen has probably never been of any importance, in that sense the real historic centre of Muizen is the area at the new church (and old tower) , about 1Km to the northwest of the current coordinate used as centre. Thats the reason I asked, it is so way off anything important (ever) and the location is insignificant even now. Muizen (was) a village that is divided by de Dijle and de Leuvense Steenweg. Mechelen is currently consuming it at an evergrowing rate.


On 05-12-13 02:13, André Pirard wrote:
On 2013-12-05 01:03, Glenn Plas wrote :

What is the point of the administrative center in the relation ? http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3359778

I'm from that area, I know Muizen by heart but that administrative center .... that position has no meaning to me, just wondering what that represents.
I'm not sure about Muizen, but I can compare with Dolembreux.
The question is first: "what is Dolembreux?"
Dolembreux is a "former municipality". It no longer exists as an administrative boundary but yet it is still mapped as such, historically. People love that. And its "admin_center" is the "former administrative center". It no longer exists as such either, but the mention continues to indicate where the center town or village is. It's just like Searching for Brussels on OSM.org <http://OSM.org>, selecting Village Boundary and you get this boundary http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2404021 with the village in the middle :-)
I personally love this one the best -)

Please note that, if the administration has moved to level 8 (to have the citizens pay petrol rather than the administration pay personnel), the Post Office continues to use level 9 very much (for post, not office) and that they even use a sort of level 10.

I would vote for a former_admin_center proposition, but there should be an admin_center vote first!



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