I think the boundary=postal_code makes a difference after all


which uses the postal code point
which uses the postal_code boundary, which is an extra
relation in this case. It does not extract the postal code from the admin
level 9 boundary.

 I'll admit that for another part of that street (
http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=83522405) it still
uses the (wrong) postal code point from Bonheiden. Maybe something was not
updated ? Althought the dates do not reflect that



On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Bart Van Lancker <b...@vlweb.net> wrote:

> <I used the place= node as admin_centre. That's also the one that I
> moved. Should there be a difference between the two ?
> <As for the two relations: I'm still fighting nominatim. I want all the
> street(segments) within the Muizen area to return 2812 as post code. In
> Germany they use the dedicated boundary=postal_code. This is also what <was
> recommended by someone on a similar question on help.openstreetmap.org.
> <So I tried that.
> That’s what I’m trying to do in Ghent, and it doesn’t work. I’ve defined
> the “deelgemeenten” with their postal code (actually as a
> boundary=administrative), but there seem to be some postal codes
> “hardcoded” in Nominatim, which seem to have preference over the postal
> code bounbdaries.
> Examples :
> Waterkluiskaai in Sint-Amandsberg still has postal code 9050, although in
> reality it has 9040 :
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=waterkluiskaai#map=17/51.04681/3.75473
> Sint-Amandsberg has 9040, which is correct :
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=sint-amandsberg#map=17/51.04681/3.75473
> 9040 is NOT hardcoded in Nominatim :
>  http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=9040#map=17/51.04681/3.75473
> 9050 is :
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=9050#map=17/51.04681/3.75473
> So everything near the 9050 “node” will get the postal code 9050,
> regardless of boundaries :
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=tarbotstraat#map=17/51.04557/3.74683
> while Tarbotstraat is within the 9000 boundary, but close to the “9050
> virtual node”
> The only solution is to add the postal_code on street level…
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