One of the problems I encountered when trying to add buildings from UrbIS,
is that it's still necessary to be able to survey, even with excellent
source data (that included the complete set of housenumbers and building
contours) and great aerial imagery. The full picture needs the ability to
have a look around in the streets to see what's there and where the
entrances are.

The problem when surveying is that it's almost impossible to decide what is
important and what is important to you, is not what is important for the
next mapper.

A convenient way to survey is making pictures. But having them on your
personal hard drive doesn't allow others to make use of them.

Of course, Google Streetview is off limits and the efforts of AGIV are also
beyond our reach.

So I was extremely happy to learn about the existence of Mapillary. Finally
a place where to send those thousands photos taken while surveying over the

To me it's stil necessary to have people walk/drive/cycle through the
streets of Brussels (and elsewhere) and making pictures. Thousands of them.
My specific interest are bus stops and their surroundings. For a wheelmap
it's interesting to make pictures of both accessible and non-accessible
entrances of POIs.

For a cycle map it's interesting to have pictures of bicycle
infrastructure. This can go from dedicated parking space, bicycle rental
pickup/dropoff, bicycle shops and repair, bicycle repair stations with
tools, itineraries/routes, cycleways. Some things can be seen from above,
but where it's allowed to ride a bicycle against the flow of one way
streets, isn't usually.

So what I'm saying is: we need more and better source material. It's not
difficult for people to help out with gathering / surveying this.

Then during a mapping party, we can focus on using these pictures to add
details to the map.

The mapping party would serve to bring people with specific interests into
contact with people who know how to add /integrate them into the OSM data.

It could also serve to demonstrate how to get get the specific data of
interest out once again and render it nicely.

Just my 200 cents.


2015-03-06 7:55 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <>:

> I wonder how we can attract new mappers with mapping parties. I understand
> that a Missing Maps party like the one in Antwerp can work. I understand
> how people can be motivated by the promise  that they will help
> organisations like the Red Cross or Doctors without Borders.
> Even a topic like "Map wheelchair access in your town" or "Find the
> missing bicycle paths" are attractive. Bonus is that when you just leave
> the door of the room where the party is held, you find plenty of things you
> can add. Drawback is that properly mapping bicycle path is pretty hard. For
> good wheelchair mapping you should actually visit each shop & restaurant
> (not only from the outside), another difficulty.
> Easier stuff then, simple POIs like shops, restaurants, B&Bs. Are they an
> attractive topic ? Don't know
> And some towns, e.g. Namur are already pretty well mapped regarding POIs
> in the center.
> House numbers ? Boring to most I think.
> Playground  ? Schools ? more interesting, but are there enough of them
> near the venue ?
> Reading the past mappers of the month interviews, I see that they ask to
> focus on the "core". Streets and house numbers. Basic street information
> (geometry & names) is pretty well covered, but the additional attributes
> are still missing: max speed, height, weight, parking lanes, the width of
> the streets. But how can you show people that adding this data makes a
> difference. All routers use a default collection of max speeds for routing.
> There is one router (website) that takes max weight & height into account,
> so that might work.
> The width of the street is hard to measure. (and no, measuring in JOSM
> does not work)
> The idea of OpenData ? Don't know whether any Google user or iPhoner is
> interested in that.
> I hope someone can let me know how a classic mapping party can attract new
> mappers. What do we need as topic ? How do you think that it should be
> organised ?
> regards
> m
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