
For April 25, we still need experienced mappers.

For your information, a colleague of mine (Michel Willemse) who registered and will be present, is an active cyclist. He has already contacted Gracq, fietsersverbond ... GRACQ has reacted very positively ... but for the date : they already have a cyclist event in the very nearby "parc de Bruxelles".

Michel's idea is that, if the weather permit, instead or on top of doing some activities to start with and describe OSM, what can be done during the morning ... we (or at least some of us) do something similar at the Parc for the cyclist, leveraging the large number of cyclists who will be present for Gracsq's event. We could do so simply by preparing paper maps to fill and some printed papers to distribute stating where to download mapilliary / osmand (or the best OSM mapping tool), what to do ... I am thinking to a 1 page, simple to read, instructions.

Yes, as Marc proposes, next time, we'll contact the walkers groups and maybe the people responsible for tourism in Brussels. We could also leverage them to better describe Brussels as a touristic place and map everything that could be touristically interessant and make links to descriptions (if possible text + sounds + videos)
But this will be for another time.

I am even considering that one activity that could become repetitive, with a short repeat time (if handled by the tourist authorities who pay a leader) would be guided tours of Brussels with mapping purposes. I am dreaming of tours every saturday morning for example, where walkers in the city would discover a new location in the city and at the same time map everything they encounter during the visit. Can you imagine what a good map we would hava after one year only ?

With many information and on top, 52 guided tours on OSM.

Have a good week end,

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