
Once again, thanks a lot for sharing this howto.
I hope my remarks will help.
A useful addition to the text is: how do we create or modify easily such complicated files as those styles?
Even just some recommended URLs.


On 2015-04-18 00:03, André Pirard wrote :

So, the final results of my tests are:
  • on Ubuntu 12.04, I was able to satisfy the GDAL 1.10 requirement by using qgis 2.8.1-Wien only from
    deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu precise  main
  • the Web menu was absent and came back after uninstalling/installing OpenLayers
  • when applying style-for-multipolygons.qml : unexpected character at line 32 column 71 ; I'm stuck
  • what is "google-analytics" doing in style files? spying on OpenStreetMap?
  • When trying to read the Quick Osm created file into JOSM:  Could not read file 'qgis.osm'. Error is: Missing attribute 'version' on OSM primitive with ID 141247. (at line 6, column 55). 303 bytes have been read
  • the never-ending OSM file reading is just qgis being extremely slow at displaying it; use small maps
  • qgis installs files that are auto-removable
The main, short conclusions are that
  • the style sheets contain errors that prevent running this demo
  • QGIS+GDAL are not straightforward to install


On 2015-04-16 03:29, André Pirard wrote :
On 2015-04-15 18:49, Marc Ducobu wrote :
On 13 April 2015 at 23:36, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2015-04-13 09:52, Marc Ducobu wrote :

I write a tutorial explaining how to create a map with QGIS and the
OSM data. For this work I create a QGIS style that highlight the
cyclist infrastructure. The idea is to invite cyclists at the map
party, show them the map at the beginning of the party and at the end
show them the improved map.

For the moment the tutorial is in french :
and if I have the time I will translate it in english.

The QGIS is on github :
https://github.com/Champs-Libres/QGIS-OSM-styles. Feel free to use it
and improve it !

Nice but when I wanted to Web>Quick OSM>Quick OSM the .OSM file back, it said
Le driver OSM n'est pas installé.  Vous devez avoir GDAL/OGR >= 1.10.
geek-me managed to upgrade the lib to 1.10 bit then I no longer had a Web menu :-(

What's going on?

Which version of QGIS do you have ?
2.8.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.
I partly solved the issue and described it here.
Please note that being no Web menu remains but that Quick OSM is in plugin Tool bar.
Also that installing qgis creates necessary auto removable packages.

The remaining issue is:

Une fois l'import fini, fermez la fenêtre.

That phrase doesn't make it clear how the import ends.
The progress bar reaches 100% rapidly.
And then a second bar starts rolling in the main window.
Can the window be closed then.
How long is the second bar supposed to roll?
It looks like it's infinite.
No image appears in the window.



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