On 2016-02-26 15:23, Thib wrote:
> Hi,
> SPW PICC tiles layer is available in JOSM for mapping Belgian Southern
> area but I can't find enough information about the license terms.
> Is it allowed to :
> - copy (doing"calc") buildings and other objects boundaries (as we do
> with bing tiles)
> - get address house numbers
According to a phone conversation Julien Fastré had with the SPW, what
we are doing is *not* copying the data in their eyes.  (I suppose this
is akin to map licenses often considering the copyright as a right to
reproduce the picture (and wasting paper "you can print...") and not the
right to make measurements on it.
On the other hand, Minister Henry ordered the SPW to free their
geographic data.

The PICC story is a pity.
In 2010, I notified the SPW helpdesk that the PICC server was returning
blank tiles in EPSG:4326 which is practically a requirement for JOSM and
which is served by almost all servers in the world.   No answer.
Later on, I asked to feed this request through our official channel with
the SPW and my insistence was laughed at by Julien Fastré whose own
insistence was "we cannot copy yet".
Now, that bug has finally been fixed.
In short, if the SPW had fixed that bug when I reported it, we would
have enjoyed a 5-year JOSM tagging at a 20 cm precision since what we do
is not copy.  I was able to use the PICC with Mapproxy, I did not
because of the false instructions but yet I have been suspected to be a
copying pirate!
And nowadays, it's a real pity to find most houses and roads at a 2 to 5
m distance of their real location, especially those who were and still
are mapped with other tools than JOSM and PICC. It makes feel like
everything has to be redone again at 20 cm precision..
Making corrections is difficult because I proposed a revision date
tagging that could have been very useful in this case but there was no
interest on the Tagging list and even Marc Gemis was on my tracks to say
it's impossible.
In consequence, if you find the following tag, it means that I have
rectified the geometry.
source=20cm-near PICC http://geoportail.wallonie.be 2015  or
Unfortunately, I have made many many untagged corrections.



> I've found some old threads talking about that interesting source but
> no real answer...
> If someone has any information about it, It would be very useful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Thib
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