
This weekend, at least 160 people will take their first OSM mapping steps
at the seven mapathons organized by univerisities all across the country.
This is a great opportunity to get new mappers, and even to try and start
building more OSM communities. Luckily, we found a dedicated OSM volunteer
for each of these locations - a big shoutout to Claire, Jorieke, Marc,
Julien M, Julien F, Jo, Tais and Moritz for their dedication. And of course
to the local universities who are organizing things.

Helping thirty new mappers get started with just one volunteer is hard. So
if you have some spare time this Saturday, even just a few hours, please
give a hand.

More information:
English: http://www.internationalmapyear.be/mapathon.php
French: http://www.internationalmapyear.be/fr/mapathon.php
Dutch: http://www.internationalmapyear.be/nl/mapathon.php

Contact the local OSM volunteer:

Once we have a task number, we'll also contact the HOT mailing list to see
if we can find some live validators. That helps to detect people making
mistakes before they make a lot of them. Incredibly useful if you can lend
a hand there, even if just remotely.

All the best,
Joost @
Openstreetmap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
<http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/members/97979802/> | Reddit
<https://www.reddit.com/u/joostjakob> | Wordpress
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