Personally, i put Nature reserve on a special relation, as it is described
on the wiki, like this one :
And the forest or other landuses are just part of this multipolygon. In
this example, i also have a multipolygon for the forest because, i have
things inside it.
Nothing stop you to have multiple relation at the same place (i think of
relation like a "special" polygon, and nothing stop us to make multiple
polygon on each other but slightly different in shape).

We should really describe/decide which tag is representing a landuse
(because it can be landuse=*, leisure=* or natural=*) and if we need to
avoid putting them at the same place (like allow or not leisure=park on top
of landuse=residential ?!). Right know, we all have our own opinion and it
create some variation of the map in Belgium.
And we should avoid gap in the landuse. Thus it seems important to solve
some problems like what should be the landuse tag under a road ?

2017-04-27 14:29 GMT+02:00 Marc Gemis <>:

> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:50 PM, joost schouppe
> <> wrote:
> > The examples you give are already hard work to think about. Much more
> basic
> > mistakes are made too: e.g. a forest is also a nature reserve. But then
> > someone turns the forest into a multipolygon, because there is some
> water or
> > grassland inside of it. But the multipolygon is also used for the nature
> > reserve. Which would imply the holes in the forest are unprotected, and
> > that's usually not the case.
> I have been thinking about this as well. even the name belongs to the
> outer way and not the relation.
> I would say put the nature reserve tag on the outer way and the forest
> tags on the relation. Would that work ?
> But tagging mistakes due to bad quality aerial imagery is equally
> common I think. And those are much harder to detect I think.
> For your case, it  is basically looking up all multipolygons on which
> the nature reserve tags is placed and check those. While this can be a
> long list, it is not nearly as long as checking all landuses.
> m
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