
After different emails to
* helpdesk.carto AT spw.wallonie.be (no official answer)
* carlo.diantonio AT gov.wallonie.be
* rene.collin AT gov.wallonie.be
* jeanclaude.jasselette AT spw.wallonie.be

I've finally received an email from Vincent Bombaerts <https://twitter.com/vbombaerts> (vincent.bombaerts AT spw.wallonie.be), Attaché to the SECRÉTARIAT GÉNÉRAL of the DIRECTION DE L'INTEGRATION DES GEODONNEES.

Following that, I've been on the phone with him and he told me that, like many already know, we can use the data from the SPW for OSM. I had been requesting authorization for PICC and orthophotos, but he told me that there are other potentially useful data like MNT <http://geoportail.wallonie.be/catalogue/f3cdf392-a569-423e-889e-186c5e647cd3.html> (relief) and others.

However, since I'd been asking for an explicit authorization (needed for integration into the iD editor), he told me that the authorization contract templates they've got require an organization. Probably because the data is free of the associations without lucrative purpose. He suggested Open Knowledge Belgium <https://www.openknowledge.be/about-us/>, which is the parent of OpenStreetMap Belgium <http://www.osm.be>. I told him that what matters is that all OSM contributors are allowed to use SPW data for OSM.

He would like to have someone to talk to on behalf of the Belgian (or at least Walloon) OSM community, to discuss further about the terms and potential future cooperation with OSM. That person would be a link with the OSM community and would represent it when talking with him. Like the SPW, Vincent Bombaerts is based in Namur, but can and does go to mapping and related initiatives like State Of The Map 2016 <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_Of_The_Map_2016> (in Brussels) and FOSDEM. So the meeting(s) don't need to take place in Namur.

Is anyone interested to be that person?

Hopefully, those licensing issues should be soon a thing of the past.

Thomas Bertels
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