2012/2/10 Cleber Gouvêa <cleb...@gmail.com>

> Bom, por essa lógica grande parte dos mashups na Internet estão
> ilegais pq de uma forma ou de outra eles recuperam as informações da
> api do Google e armazenam elas.

A página com os termos de uso da API para mapas do Google [1]
explicitamente indica os limites de uso (ênfase minha):

4.2 Limits on Your Use of the Service. You acknowledge and agree that
Google may impose or adjust the limit on the number of transactions you may
send or receive through the Service; such fixed upper limits may be set by
Google at any time, at Google's discretion. For further information, see
Section 10.1.1(i) below.
*8.3 Content License. Subject to these Terms (including but not limited to
Section 9 (License Requirements) and Section 10 (License Restrictions)), Google
gives you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-transferable,
non-assignable, and non-exclusive license to access, use, publicly perform
and publicly display the Content in your Maps API Implementation, as the
Content is provided in the Service, and in the manner permitted by the
Terms. Specifically, you understand the following:*
*(a) Content (including but not limited to map data, traffic, directions,
and places) is provided for planning purposes only. You may find that
weather conditions, construction projects, closures, or other events may
cause road conditions or directions to differ from the results depicted in
the Content. You should exercise judgment in your use of the Content.*
*(b) Certain Content is provided under license from third parties,
including Tele Atlas B.V. ("Tele Atlas"), and is subject to copyright and
other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas
and/or such third parties. You may be held liable for any unauthorized
copying or disclosure of this content. Your use of Tele Atlas map data and
certain other Content (including certain business listings Content) is
subject to additional restrictions located in the Legal Notices page.*

Tem que ler toda a seção 10.1 para ver os detalhes das limitações, é muito
texto para copiar aqui.

A licença da TeleAtlas está em outra página [2], e diz isso aqui:

*3 Tele Atlas Licensed Content.*
*3.1 Restrictions on Commercial Use of Tele Atlas Licensed Content.*
*(a) You are not permitted to print more than 5,000 copies of sales
collateral materials containing a screenshot of Tele Atlas Licensed Content
for commercial sales lead generation ("Direct Marketing"). If you desire to
do so, you must (i) enter into a Google Enterprise license agreement or
(ii) contact Tele Atlas to obtain a direct license to do so.*
*(b) You are not permitted to incorporate Tele Atlas Licensed Content as a
core part of printed matter (such as printed maps or guide books) that you
redistribute for a fee. If you desire to do so, you must contact Tele Atlas
to obtain a license.*
*(c) You are not permitted to offer a batch geocoding service that uses the
Tele Atlas Licensed Content contained in any Google products or services.*

E depois disso tem uma longa lista de parágrafos adicionais para diversos

Para uso online, as restrições estão em outra página [3], e a parte
importante é essa aqui:

*Use of the Google Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2,500
geolocation requests per day. (User of Google Maps API for Business may
perform up to 100,000 requests per day.)*

Resumindo: Pelo que eu entendi, tanto o Google como a TeleAtlas permitem um
uso comercial limitado, mas a partir de um certo volume tem que licenciar o
conteúdo. E se esses serviços realmente estão armazenando informações do
Google (ao invés de requisitar "on-the-fly"), então eles estão violando as
licenças do Google e da TeleAtlas.


[1]: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/terms.html
[2]: http://www.google.com/intl/en-us/help/legalnotices_maps.html
[3]: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/#Limits
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