On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Michael
Barabanov<michael.baraba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Corey,
> In my original message (as opposed to a snippet you quoted), I
> suggest that matching geobase UUID is equivalent to throwing out the
> data, if not position-wise, then topology-wise.  We can take the easy
> way or a hard way, but end result will be pretty much the same.
> Avoiding pissing off mappers is an important point, but I don't think it
> negates what I said.
> I would suggest that interested parties do try to import a geobase tile
> for a reasonably populated area and then fix up connections. You'll see
> what I mean immediately.
> Michael.

I snipped out that section becuase it wasn't the first suggestion to
throw out existing data and I wanted to nip that suggestion at the

As for actually playing with Geobase stuff, we in Victoria (Sam V,
Austin H, and myself) have already looked at the issues of importing,
especially given the large amount of data we have collected, a lot of
it not in the Geobase info (bike routes, trails, etc.)


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