On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Lennard<l...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Richard Weait wrote:
>> I think the provincial / state borders will continue to be yucky on
>> the main map until mapnik supports rendering different style sheets
> As you guys in the North Americas might will probably already have
> noticed, the main mapnik style now shows state boundaries, and also
> labels them either by ref or name, depending on zoom.
> I wrote something on talk-us last week, but I apparently forgot to
> include talk-ca, as I wasn't subscribed to talk-ca at the time.
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-us/2009-August/001522.html

Oh, that is very nice.  I'm surprised I missed that on the first time
around.  Excellent work by ldp (Lennard) and delta_foxtrot2.

So we USA-ians have a few nodes to move for place=state;
Canucks, do we have to clean up some border artifacts?

Best regards,

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