Hi All,

The potential for access to Quebec imagery is nice, if the provider
and license will permit.  The best place for that and similar imagery
would be OpenAerialMap.org[1], which poses a problem, because OAM is
still "rebooting" itself.  OAM in the first incarnation found that it
was flooded with available datasets, and with enthusiastic consumers
of the data.  This puts a very large burden on the OAM operators in
terms of image storage space and bandwidth to provide the data.  There
is a further burden of processing power required to adapt the imagery
from whatever form it is donated to whatever form the consumers wish
to have it.  These lessons can inform us, even if we limit our
interests to a relatively small area, and a limited number of

If you can contribute, or negotiate a hosting agreement for an OAM
node on the order of 50TB of tape-backed storage on a very robust
connection, please participate in the discussion.  Finding the first
partners who are willing to share the resource requirements of this
massive project is the next big step.

[1] http://wiki.openaerialmap.org/Main_Page

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