On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 16:26:07 -0400, Bégin, Daniel
<daniel.be...@rncan-nrcan.gc.ca> wrote:
> Tyler, James,
> FYI, NRN roads are more up to date than anything found in the MLI 20K
> seamless maps. The 1:20 000 topographic data was compiled from 1989 to
> and has not since then been edited.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the clarification.  I was noticing as I browsed that data set
that it was quite out of date.  The Geobase data I found on MLI seems to
have more "minor roads" such as driveways and approaches.  

I'm going to stick with the classifications in the Canvec data for the
tertiaries.  I'll probably downgrade single-lane unpaved tertiaries to
unclassified though.  I think there will likely be some tertiaries that are
technically more minor roads, but you'd need to be a local to know that for
sure.  The farm road I showed as an example on Google street view is a
prime example -- apparently this one is used by locals as a throughfare,
and as such deserves the tertiary status, while one of the roads next to it
that appears the same is not as well used.  Go figure.  :)


Tyler Gunn

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