On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:

> Highway 7 from 417 to Carleton Place appears to be twinned now and
> upgraded to divided highway.  Aerial imagery appears to be too old to
> show the dual carriageway and new junctions.  Some GPS tracks exist in
> the area.  Canvec from this August include some of the twinning and
> diverted local roads nearer to 417, but not at the Carleton Place end.
> Would a contributor in the Carleton Place area please use local
> knowledge, and new survey to rip and replace Highway 7 from 417 to
> Carleton Place?  That will purge any contributions that contributor
> may have concerns about.

I may head out this evening and gather some GPS tracks so that this can be

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