On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Bégin, Daniel
<daniel.be...@rncan-nrcan.gc.ca> wrote:
> Bonjour again Paul,
> An example is not yet available but yes, it will form closed area split like 
> large lake.  That is a limitation of the Canvec.osm product for the moment :-(

With wooded areas and lakes I've noticed we tend to just leave them
un-merged.  I can imagine for boundaries we'd like to have them
merged, especially considering they'd be spanning many tiles.

I can see a few ways to approach this from the OSM side of things:
1. Do our own conversion of the data Canvec uses as its source and
bulk-import it all in one shot.
2. Develop a tool to help merge the imported boundary areas which are
split among multiple tiles.

For option 2 I've always had it in my mind that we either need a
standalone tool or a JOSM plugin to support an automated merge of the
large lake and wooded multipolygons.  The same approach could work for
boundary areas.


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