On 14-08-27 06:23 PM, Andrew wrote:
> As a rule I don't remove any existing data, unless the data
> is duplicated and then I try to pick the best one.

But deleting my tracing of Horne Lake was okay, though?

You should have bumped the way version, given that there was a lake
already there with the same name.

> From the bing imagery
> I can see a couple of islands that are offset south of Sylvah island.The
> bisecting lake is a result of the 2,000 node limit for a way.

But it exactly corresponds to these weird square boundaries that are all
over the area, like this way: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/259481614
- so you broke a lake that was already there.

Can't you run a simplification algorithm for closed polygons to get the
count down to something sensible?

>       I've downloaded the gps data and I can see where there should be some
> thing, I just can't find in the history where or when it was deleted.

I don't usually upload GPS data. I was doing a lot of editing in QGIS at
the time.

>       Just a thought could the missing data be a result of some user who did
> not accept the new terms of service

No, the edits were me, or an earlier import from geobase_stevens from 2009.

Please, as Daniel suggested, clean up your mess.


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