On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Stewart C. Russell <scr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> As a rule I don't remove any existing data, unless the data
>> is duplicated and then I try to pick the best one.
> But deleting my tracing of Horne Lake was okay, though?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/77445326/history

As Andrew stated, existing data usually stays. Obviously a mistake was
made. We're all human.

> You should have bumped the way version, given that there was a lake
> already there with the same name.

So which ever source has the best resolution should be the one that
stays, or perhaps a merge of the best data from both...

OSM is a living entity that changes. Stewart, you've found an area of
concern, and Andrew is responding. You can't get much better than

> But it exactly corresponds to these weird square boundaries that are all
> over the area, like this way: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/259481614
> - so you broke a lake that was already there.

So have a bit of a look into what CanVec is, and how the data has been
sliced up and provided to OSM for consumption. You'll immediately
understand what all these weird square boundaries are. Look just about
anywhere in Canada where CanVec imports have happened. You'll find
these artifacts all over.

> Can't you run a simplification algorithm for closed polygons to get the
> count down to something sensible?

So, using that logic, should we take your Horne Lake closed polygon
and simplify it down to 20 points? Okay, not entirely sensible, but
then who defines sensible?

Large complicated polygons abound in the OSM database. They just need
to be dealt with appropriately.

>>       Just a thought could the missing data be a result of some user who did
>> not accept the new terms of service
> No, the edits were me, or an earlier import from geobase_stevens from 2009.
> Please, as Daniel suggested, clean up your mess.

And of course, thank you to both of you for all the work you guys ave
done in adding to the OSM database. Everyone's contributions are
appreciated, but occasionally we bump into each other. This forum
gives us the perfect place to say "Oops, excuse me... sorry!"


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