Seems like they may have dumped it on their servers to the public:
This would explain why some buildings are outdated:

*Update Frequency: Never*as compared to:

*Update Frequency: Weekly*

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Stewart C. Russell <>

> On 2016-10-24 08:04 AM, James wrote:
> > I've updated the documentation and incorporated Scruss's findings on the
> > build source data:
> >
> Ottawa/Import/TopographicMap
> Cool! I was hoping to be able to show that the geojson data that you
> were given exactly matches that on the City of Ottawa website, and in
> doing so help out by saying
>         If James's data* == City of Ottawa public data,
>         then it clears up the data availability issue
> … but it doesn't exactly match. The city's AutoCAD data looks older, as
> it has the odd building and feature missing.
> The new data is pretty close, though. Anyone need a
> demo/writeup/picture, or are people generally happy with the provenance
> of the data now?
> cheers,
>  Stewart
> *: yes, I know it's not James's data, but it's a lot shorter than typing
> in the source and history.
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