On Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 04:04:25PM -0400, Stewart C. Russell wrote:
> On 2017-07-01 04:30 AM, Frank Steggink wrote:
> > 
> > To all, this is the procedure I used yesterday, and probably something
> > similar also by Pierre.
> > * Not sure if it is a requirement, but it's better to use 64 bit Java.
> > …
> Thanks for this, Frank. I think I've found a way to make this a bit
> quicker by loading a relation URL, then using your search query:
> > * Eventually JOSM starts looking cluttered, because of all the extra
> > data. You can use the search query "type:way natural=wood role:outer" to
> > see if there are still rings needing work.
> … then just deleting the ‘natural=wood’ from the selected ways.
> I hope I'm understanding the problem correctly*: outer ways in a forest
> polygon relationship shouldn't have the ‘natural=wood’ tag? If that's
> the issue, then this should just be an auto-edit, no JOSM and
> pointy-clicky required.

There is nothing specific about woods here. An outer way in a
multipolygon relations should only have tags which apply to *that way*
specifically, not tags which apply to the whole relation. The tags on
the relation are for the polygon as a whole, the tags on the ways are
for those ways.

So if you have, say a wall surrounding a forest, you might have tags for
that wall on the ways, but the forest tags belong on the multipolygon
relation only. In most cases this simply means that there should be no
tags on the ways at all.

Of course you should still check all cases against sat images. For
instance, sometimes the whole relation can be removed and just a simple
closed way be used if there are no inner ways.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  https://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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