On Jan 28, 2018, at 11:29 AM, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you map from Bing imagery there is no issue.  If you do map from Bing 
> please use the building_tool plugin in JOSM.  We tend to find new mappers 
> using iD are not very accurate.
<remainder redacted for brevity>

Thanks, John, that's a helpful history lesson.  I've been looking at the 
history of our Contributor page to see who edited these Canadian cities "into 
compliance" and it is a mixed bag of "me, too" additions.  Try:


and do a web page text search for "Canad" and you'll get a sense of this.

However, while history lessons can shed light, the task at hand is to update 
status for today, now, amongst a wide national (and international, 
OSM-worldwide) audience.  So, let's continue to do that and pursue the truth of 
Canadian OD licensing status.  Yes, it's clear that mapping from Bing (please 
use JOSM + building_tool plugin — and where is the wiki to document efforts on 
how OSM volunteers do THAT?) is a slightly different set of tasks than that 
outlined in BC2020, as IT talks about bulk importing a lot, and doesn't seem to 
talk about Bing and JOSM + building_tool plugin efforts.

I'll say it again:  the Contributors wiki (and concomitantly, the BC2020 
OD_tables wiki) need to be updated to "current reality," whatever that is.  I 
don't know what that is, maybe nobody does.  If nobody does, every city except 
for Ottawa rightfully should be removed to end the confusion, updating both 

Finally, the BC2020 wiki itself (not OD_tables) needs to be refreshed by 
somebody other than me to reflect what is REALLY going on in this project 
nationwide in Canada, right now.  Please!

We seem to be getting somewhere, even if it is determining that "efforts remain 
unconfused and confused on a national level."  I'll take that as minor progress 
— because it can be cleaned up and remedied!

Thank you to all for measured, patient and polite conversations both here in 
talk-ca and in our wikis,
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