On Jan 29, 2013 12:57 AM, "Paul Norman" <penor...@mac.com> wrote:

> This license issue is concerning. Are you saying that if someone downloads
> the data, converts it to .osm and doesn't do modifications that result
> be distributed? Can't you just get the .osm file that you would end up
> uploading? After all, if there was no OSM data in the area you'd
> not alter most of the file.

The word in Spanish is more like "altered". It doesn't matter if we get a
100% equivalent. Because of law issues -unrelated to copyright- original
files directly from source cannot be shared. However, any transformation
-including file format- gives full copyrights to the author of the
alteration, which effectively makes them "almost PD+attribution".

Law is strange, I agree :-)

He definitely can share the .osm.

Jaime Crespo
Talk-es mailing list

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