I'm cleaning up vending and saw that vending_machine=yes was used in some places in France: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/4am

1. amenity=bicycle_rental
I don't see the point. The tag itself already indicates the difference to shop=bicycle+service:bicycle:rental=yes

2. public_transport
Probably indicates vending=public_transport_tickets, but would it be wrong to set the tags if the is a drink&food vending machine? At least you would need vending=* . I can see the idea, but I don't think we should tag everything on the platform with ...=yes (I could for example see that causes problems with the operator= tag as I for example have seen railway vending machines as bus stops close to the train station). In some places there was also a great public_transport schema in place, then I would just put the node for the amenity=vending_machine + vending=public_transport_tickets into the stop_area relation.

What do you think?

Greetings from Germany,

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