Sorry I'm forgetting to keep the mailing list informed, so this is rather 
last-minute if you missed it on twitter/wiki but...

TONIGHT we're in the Angel pub from 7pm
It's near Angel tube. Here on the map:
The Angel pub is quite big but all on one floor. Hopefully we'll get a table 
and be easy to find. If you're worried about recognising us, wait until 7:30 
and then be looking out for a table of people with maps/hi viz OSM jackets/ or 
OSM T shirts. I'll be wearing by navy blue HOT shirt. My number: O7979815O13

Looking further ahead there's a #geomob event happening Wed Nov 2nd November. 
Presentations of general mappy-geo topics, followed by pub! Topics are not 
exclusively OpenStreetMap, but talks usually feature a fair bit of OSM 
goodness, and geomob events are attended by OpenStreetMappers. This time 
there'll be a talk from MapBox
Details on the geomob blog: up on 

As usual these things generally get tweeted:
and put on the wiki page:


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