On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Jonathan Bennett <
openstreet...@jonno.cix.co.uk> wrote:

> David Earl wrote:
> > On 18/08/2009 12:42, Chris Hill wrote:
> >> What is the point  of local chapters in England?  We don't have language
> >> conversion issues, currency issues or time zone issues.
> >
> > The main reason is one of the reasons behind the idea of local chapters
> > in the first place - to give an "official" point of contact for bodies
> > that care about such things. Some bodies find it very hard to deal with
> > individuals somehow representing an amorphous organisation.
> How does the OSMF* not fulfil this role? There's no reason someone who
> needs official backing, as it were, can't be made a member of the
> foundation.

When Local Chapters are up and running, the OSM-F will be focussed more on
issues that affect the whole of the OpenStreetMap community.  Things like
maintaining the central DB and API, legal representation for things like
licenses, organizing the annual SOTM, running the osm.org websites,
merchandising and so on, will be more of the focus of the OSM-F.

Local Chapters are there to support OSM in local communities.  This could
include things like talking with local organizations about data imports,
supporting local initiatives (like Mappa-Mercia, or the London summer
mapping marathon), running local conferences and events and generally
supporting the local OSM community.  The OSM-F would be focussed on more
pan-OSM issues, like the ones explained above.

So far as the structure goes, I had thought that one GB org could work, if
it had a series of user groups associated with it.  The GB Chapter could
handle GB issues, raising funds to help support national and user group
activities, perhaps running a GB website, lobbying the UK government to
release data (!), and generally promoting OSM throughout the GB area.  The
user groups would be focussed on a more local area (eg Greater London) and
would be affiliated (loosely or more closely) to the GB Chapater.

Just some ideas - interested to hear your comments.


> *OSMF = OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd., a company limited by guarantee
> incorporated in the United Kingdom.
> --
> Jonathan (Jonobennett)
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