I have run a comparison with TimSC's mapseg, if anyone is interested. I
think my process comes out with better results:


I'm still stumped on how to do the first part of step 4 using GDAL, mind.
I've gone into the IRC channel a couple of times without getting any
response. If anyone could give me a pointer I'd appreciate it.

In getting from EPS->DXF->SHP I end up with a shapefile without co-ordinates
(i.e. QGIS shows the top left corner starting at 0,0) and that is only very
small (i.e. the area that should be a few miles across appears to only be a
few meters across).

Where do I start in transforming the shapefile to be the right scale and
then translating the coordinates to shift it to the right part of the world?


On 27 June 2010 20:33, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:

> Tom Chance wrote:
> > I'd be interested in feedback, and in any help doing the first bit of
> > step 4 using free software in GNU/Linux.
> http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html
> Basically the answer for any question about reprojecting using open source
> is always GDAL. Frank Warmerdam is a genius.
> cheers
> Richard
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