I've just been bitten by the minority, largely undocumented usage of railway:historic=rail on a bunch of dismantled/abandoned railways in Britain. Having exported some OSM data and done a few days' manual processing on it, I belatedly find that various lines are missing due to not taking account of this tag and I'm going to have to do a whole bunch more work. :(

Taginfo/Taginfo GB suggest that railway:historic=rail is not used much elsewhere in the world, and that railway=abandoned, =disused and =dismantled remain the popular choices. No client software appears to take any notice of railway:historic=rail.

Would there be any opposition to gradually reverting uses of this tag to railway=dismantled/abandoned, depending on what's on the ground?

The only documentation I could find (on a wiki discussion page, of all the obscure places): http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Railways#railway:historic.3Dxxx_or_former:railway.3Dxxx_in_place_of_railway.3Dabandoned.2Fdismantled.3F


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