Ooo interesting and quite exciting to have another UK cycle route planner.
Some initial comments:

* The cartography is surprisingly different. I've been less-accustomed to
pale maps that I associate more with paper.
* Did I see a grid line on the cartography? I think the zoom levels for
that might need to be adjusted, as I only saw one thick horizantal line
that made no sense.
* Love the mile markers.
* I'm not used to "dragging the route" OSRM-style. I normally do this
mentally (or physically when I forget the route on-the-road), but I might
try it out over time.
* Can I not drag the route on circular routes? This would be helpful to
iron out a long double-back stretch at the start.
* Wow, was just about to close the page when I clicked the elevation
profile button.

I'll definitely be wanting to try this out next time I have somewhere to
go. Thanks Richard.

On 2 December 2013 21:46, Rob Nickerson <> wrote:

> Oh, I forget to say that I like the way you are using the OS Open Data to
> add the built up landuse areas. Hopefully it will also encourage more
> people to map buildings to help improve the OSM data.
> Rob
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