Congrats, Richard. The site looks awesome. Now I just wish I could make
time for a bike tour in England next year........

The maps are an amazing example of what OpenStreetMap enables: an escape
from the one-size-fits-all world, the true future of online maps.

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 8:15 AM, Richard Fairhurst <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thought I might show you what I've been working on for the last year or
> so. :)
> is a new "everyday cycling" website for Britain and
> it won't surprise you to learn it has lots of OSM mapping in there.
> Click on 'Map' and you'll find OSM-based route-planning and cycle mapping.
> If you create an account (just log in with Twitter or Facebook if you
> like), you can save your routes, export GPX and PDF, and so on.
> The route-planner is based on OSRM, so you get fully draggable routes. It
> tries to avoid hills where possible, and knows about NCN routes.
> Both the route-planner and cartography take account of surface tags on
> cycleways, bridleways, tracks and paths. Adding surface tags helps
> know whether a given path is easy to cycle along. There's a
> bit more about this at
> Very very early days and I've not really told the world yet. There's a few
> bits of content missing (like the bike shop listings) - it's ramping up
> slowly. But as all the map data has been contributed by you lovely people I
> thought you should be among the first to know! There are doubtless lots of
> bugs and you can report them at .
> cheers
> Richard
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