On 13 August 2014 17:36, Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk> wrote:
> I have carried out a first changeset, can anyone spot anything wrong
> before I continue?
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/24727341#map=8/52.507/-3.796

Someone's already pointed out the need to change any source:ref tags
at the same time, and that you need to follow the mechanical edit
guidelines -- in particular, providing the documentation of the
changes in the wiki.

I think that the have precise details of the changes and the
conditions under which they will be made should be reviewed on the
mailing list before you go ahead. There are various questions to be
answered such as which highway=* values are included, what happens to
refs that aren't of the form [CDU][0-9]+, what happens if one of the
target keys already exists, and is there any tagging in use to
indicate that a C, D or U number is indeed signed on the ground that
should be respected?

More generally, I don't think less that 24 hours discussion before
starting (even a test run for) such a significant country-wide change
is really long enough to allow everyone who wants to comment to
provide their thoughts. (Yes I know it's been discussed before, but
those discussions didn't really come to any conclusion IIRC, and
people could well be away on holiday at the moment.) In particular, I
think it would be good look more closely at who has been adding these
ref values, and contact any prolific mappers directly to get their
thoughts. In particular, I think a lot of Norfolk was done by a single
person (not me) who presumably thought the values were useful data to

Best wishes,


Robert Whittaker

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