We're two weeks in to this experiment and it would be good to hear any

In the West Midlands since we started this project in this quarter we've
completed Wolverhampton Walsall and Sandwell. Wolverhampton was done by
contacting a user on the ground to check a road name, which they did.
Dudley still has 4 roads to correctly name (3 of them on what looks like a
new development - so one visit might complete the town).

Coventry still has 38 names to go and has proved a perennial challenge to
us - none of the regulars at our mappa mercia meeting lives or works there
and it's proven difficult to enthuse mappers on the ground in the past but
we shall try again - 38 names is not a lot after all! Perhaps we'll contact
some local community groups.

Let us know what you've been doing and any ideas you've got to accelerate
progress on this task

If any folk from ITOworld are reading this - can we have an update on the
data please? The previousone was on 3rd Jan.


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