Robert wrote:
>I've now had a reply from OS about this. They say:
>Previous such releases will not necessarily be included - only those
>that we are informed about in the future.
>If the dataset had already been notified to us, or we had approved a
>derived data exemption application on terms "equivalent to OS OpenData
>terms" then members are not expected to do anything (i.e. there is no
>need to take any retrospective action), as they have already been
>granted "a worldwide, royalty free, perpetual, non-exclusive licence
>to use the Information".
>All they need to do is to check that that are attaching the correct
>acknowledgement to the derived data for the licence they are using.
>Nonetheless, they can move across to the Open Government Licence (v3)
>terms if they want to, or (for example) they are refreshing the
>This information will be added into the public sector licensing guidance soon.

Thanks Robert.

I see that the old OS OpenData Licence URL now redirects to OGL version 3 (
) and as such we can safely assume that the OS consider the licence dead.
Other UK agencies who have released data under this licence should update
their text accordingly, if this doesn't happen then a polite email to alert
them of the change would be encouraged. I see no reason to wait for this
change to be made prior to using the data in OpenStreetMap. We have a green
light lets not convince ourselves it's any other colour :-)

In terms of public rights of way released under the OS OpenData licence,
this means there is nothing blocking our use of this data. A ground survey
is still recommended though.

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